
Membership Application:


Bonded Membership

  1. Review the Camelot Pool Bylaws
  2. Bond purchase:
    • Review the Available Memberships table below. Contact listed POCs directly to purchase their bond. Price is set by seller and may be negotiated directly between buyer and seller. 
    • If all memberships have been sold, you may purchase a bond directly from the Camelot Pool Board. Contact the Membership Chairperson to request a Board-owned membership bond. 
  3. Membership Application.  Review the bylaws List all household members. One membership covers the household/family. 
  4. Fees:
    • Bond (one time): $250. This bond is your equity/ownership in the pool. The bond entitles you to voting rights regarding pool activities, Board Members, etc. and a share in any proceeds should the pool ever be sold. In the event you choose not to continue membership, you may sell your bond to a new member or return it to the Board (see Purchase/Sell section above for details). 
    • Dues (annual) : Currently $475 . You can earn $50 back after 4 hours of “sweat equity.” Make sure you have subscribed to the member emails for details on work parties or special events or see a Board Member for other opportunities to support your pool. 
    •  Fee invoices will be sent to the main membership email address by the Camelot Board Financial Chairperson.
    • Access to the pool will not be granted unless fees are up to date.

**Board Membership Special bonds are only available when there are no existing members’ bonds for sale. 

2025 “Student” Membership 

  1. Cost- $200 for 50 visits. This is limited to one “18 or older” single/not married (example college student or young adult). No multiple members in the same household i.e. mother or father and child. No guests allowed – may only be used by the person who purchased package.
  2. Since this is a “guest” package and does not include a bond, a “Student” member is not entitled to voting. 
  3. Follow same process as above: read bylaws, then fill out and submit application. 

Other Membership Types

Swim/Dive Team Only Memberships

Total Cost = Varies with number of swimmers. Please visit the Swim Team Page for more information.

  • Limited to Swim/Dive Team Activities only
  • Swim/Dive team fees, per child
  • No Guest Privileges
  • Non-Transferable
  • Pick Swim/Dive team as type

Email to our Membership Chairperson or

Mail to:

Camelot Recreation Association

PO Box 14081

Huntsville, AL  35815

Changes in Current Member Information

If any of your information has changed (address, email, phone #, etc.) please take time to print/complete the   Membership Update Form and forward to our Membership Chairperson so we can have the most current information on you.

Membership – for sale by owner

Contact NameContact Phone NumberContact EmailAmount desired for BondIncludes current year dues?

Contact the Membership Chairperson for any questions.

Purchasing/Selling Procedure-Member Owned Bonds

Sellers: Fill out the Membership Sale Form and you will be added to the list of memberships for sale. Potential Buyers will contact you directly to negotiate the payment amount and terms. Once the Buyer has paid you, please contact both the treasurer ( and the membership chairman with the name of your buyer. Make sure to review all details on the form.

Buyers: See table with memberships available. Contact the seller for payment. Once the exchange has been made, please fill out the membership application. Please include your full name, address and the name of the membership you purchased. Once the application has been received by the membership chairperson, the Camelot Board has approved your application, and confirmed dues have been received, your name will be added to the membership list in Pool Pass to grant access to the pool.